There are two ways to top up your Yumon wallets:

  1. Buy cryptocurrencies using the service provided by our partner Moonpay
  2. Send ETH to your Yumon wallet

1. Buy cryptocurrencies using Moonpay

<aside> 💡 Coming soon!


2. Send ETH to your Yumon wallet

If you are familiar with crypto you will have no difficulties to easily send ETH to your Yumon wallet address, in 3 easy steps:

  1. Copy your Yumon wallet ETH address: Account Settings > Wallet

    Capture d’écran 2023-02-21 à 12.29.41.png

  2. Use your favorite wallet to send the desired amount of ETH on the address you have copied

  3. Once received, click “Deposit” and transfer the ETH located on your L1 Yumon wallet to your L2 Yumon wallet

    Capture d’écran 2023-02-21 à 12.37.34.png

The L1 → L2 transfer may take a few minutes to be validated by the infrastructure.

Once located on the L2 all your transactions will be performed instantly without any gas fees or validation time.

Are you are using Yumon with your regular crypto wallet (Metamask, Rainbow, etc.) directly?

It is even easier, you just need to perform this last third step:
